Time to get back at it! We need $4,000 a month to open and sustain The Rise House. A few weeks ago, we celebrated $1,500 committed. Getting close to the 50% mark which will feel so good!

Come hell or high water, I am committed to meeting the $2,000 mark before Election Day.
Don't know about The Rise House? @NowSheRises is opening a "pay what you can" retreat home for women. In other words, every single woman will be welcome to come rest, reflect and reset. How can we offer it to anyone no matter their ability to pay? With small donors like you!
Your $10 a month will make a big difference. Your money will go directly to electricity, toilet paper, yard care & everything else running The Rise House will require.

If you believe women are worthy of love & care this is a way to invest in that belief. https://nowsherises.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rise-house
If you have been encouraged by my voice here, giving to The Rise House on a monthly basis will also provide a long-term secure place for me to live. Being single and disabled it is important that Rise and our community help provide for me in order that I can continue this work.
I am feeling bold and lucky tonight so let's get some work done. We currently have $1,526 committed. I am looking for $74 in new monthly commitments before bedtime.

That is only 7.4 people committing to $10 a month! Can someone get us started?
You can follow @HollyStallcup.
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