Ok almost midnight and I should be sleeping BUT I just realized something about Hamilton that maybe everyone has already figured out but I've never seen it anywhere so here goes my thread trying to explain what happened in the small brain of mine 😜
SO in "One Last Time" there's this moment where Hamilton says "Mr President, they will say you're weak", and Washington answers "No, they will see we're strong" and I think this is truly revealing about their characters and the contrast between them
Because in the musical Hamilton is oftenly referred as someone who cares about what people are saying ("The Adams Administration" or this heartbreaking part in "Burn"), and as he tries to convince Washington, he transposes his own way of thinking by using the verb "say"
However, Washington is more of a "man of action" : he seems willing to prove himself by showing what he can do, and cares less about the way people perceive him (not saying it isn't important, I'm just talking about the way I understand the musical)
That's why he corrects +
Hamilton not only by using the antonym "strong", but also by replacing "say" with "see", implying that what he's doing is gonna be a proof of his strength despite what people are going to say about it. They'll know it deep down.
This depiction of Washington can also be proved by the fact that another of his songs is LITERALLY CALLED "History has its EYES on you", like - do I even have to explain my point here ?
In "Right Hand Man", sure, he's talking about his soldiers writing wonderful things about him+
BUT he's definitely not caring about it because he realizes it doesn't matter compared to the war. He also talks about Hamilton's reputation, the one Alexander seems to be so attached to, but Washington doesn't bother detailing it, he knows Hamilton knows it already.
Which leads to another moment in "One Last Time", which is a little bit sooner in the song : Washington sings "One last time, the people will hear from me", and here the use of the verb "hear" is directly related to Hamilton's "say", which demonstrates even more that +
Washington knows Hamilton's "way of thinking" and even uses it against him by foreshadowing the fact that Hamilton will write his farewell address so it can be "heard" by people, making it harder for Hamilton to dissuade him to retire.
You probably wonder two things :

1) What's the moral, the conclusion to this thread ?
2) What the duck are you doing Mae you need to go to bed

Well, here are my answers:

1) idk bro, it's just something my brain made up, but if I find a conclusion I'll let you know
2) Fight me.
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