It is a shame the neglect @MLBTheShow has had on a great mode over the years, relocation was a disaster, (how did you not make 5 “new” stadiums for a person to move too) the mode continues to go backwards. And WHO doesn’t wanna be a gm of there fav team. MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN PLZ.
The mode has continued to go backwards. Remember when you could see fan reactions to performance? You could set prices to stuff, set who your “star” was. Like the mode continues to go backwards. THERE IS ZERO EXCUSE, these ppl pay for your game. MAKE IT GREAT.
And I don’t want to hear “well they have to put resources to other modes like DD” you need more man power? Hire more people. The game being an immersive experience may bring even more players to DD or keep more ppl on the game when they need a break from DD.
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