“But in our climate of existential politics—with partisans all too prepared to believe or charge that elections are being manipulated, and a social-media environment poised to heap fuel onto the fire... How to Accommodate a Massive Surge in Absentee Voting https://lawreviewblog.uchicago.edu/2020/06/26/pandemic-pildes/
the longer after Election Day any significant changes in vote totals take place, the greater the risk that the losing side will cry that the election has been stolen.”

So there were a lot of interesting points in the article about increasing dates before the election...2/x
So that people could vote earlier in person and other things. But I disagree with pushing the date back for allowing absentee ballots unless they refuse to report any and all ballots in the media. Without this you open up a risk of fraud unprecedented in any election...3/x
The reason, as mentioned in the article, is that the request for absentee ballots in the primaries of many states increased substantially. Add to the fact that way more people vote in the general election than the primaries and you can conclude...4/x
That there will be way more absentee ballots in the general election than any previous election where absentee ballot percentage of total ballots was minimal and did not change the integrity of past elections. However if you take into account that...5/x
Many absentee ballots in this election will be rejected due to the fact that most of these absentee ballots are cast by first-time absentee balloters, you’ll have a higher rate of rejection this year than previous elections. This could have been avoided if...6/x
State legislatures passed laws allowing for 2 things: 1) More polling places during the early voting stage and Election Day. 2) Provide an appointment to cast your vote. The problem is nobody looked at the primary absentee request numbers and realized that...7/x
These numbers would exponentially increase. So it’s too late to do anything now. But those 2 steps would have mitigated the risk of contracting COVID while having an in-person election. If you set criteria for those that are allowed absentee voting to people with...8/x
High risk to die from COVID (diabetes, heart disease, seniors, etc. ), you will exponentially mitigate the risk of a high death rate as a result of having a high amount of in-person voting. Keep in mind...9/x
This would be on top of the regular qualifications for a person to vote by absentee ballot so there would not be any need to change the dates for ballots to be postmarked. Too bad state legislatures weren’t smart enough to think of these possibilities and to prevent...10/x
An absurd amount of absentee ballots, which opens up the election to way more fraud potential than ever before as I indicated earlier in this thread. 11/11
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