There is a lot I could keep saying but people have made up their minds to either understand more planning/doing must be done beyond just v*ting or have decided v*ting is all they do.

Those SC*TUS cases coming up in the interval is just...they really handed that to them.
And a lot of people really are just going to accept that although they say they don't? But once the bad happens they lose their fire, it's bizarre considering the options they hold to do something with fire if they could keep it lit beyond saying and all the way to doing.
Like a bit more money in my pocket and I could do more than just survive, we're running on empty money wise and people with more money even to the point of some comfort...y'all are something else.

Y'all have the power to do more, y'all really do.
In a better location even my broke ass could do more and would, I'm always weighing options on what more I can do and it sucks that I can't do as much as some of y'all can but don't, because roles reversed I'd do all I could with those privileges, I don't waste a chance to help.
We actually went broke faster because I stepped up right before shit went really south for us and I don't regret that, it was the maximum I could do at the time and I'd do it again.
There was a lot I did for others to the detriment of my own situation, because I could do it at the time, so I did, so I'm not expecting of people what I don't expect of myself.

This is the time to step up to the maximum that you can, whatever that maximum is for you personally.
& I know about shit mental health, trust me, and even with that and physical disabilities I couldn't not do all I could do, the idea of not doing the most made me sick, this time is asking so much of us and whether we want to or not we have to do so much we don't want to but can.
I think this thread was made to encourage those scared or still thinking they can't do more to perhaps reflect on the fact that maybe, just maybe you can.
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