We know from recent YouGov polling that the UK population supports people's right to identify as they like and be free from discrimination, even if they do not agree with their self conception. >
I'd ask, why is this not enough? I'd also point out that the people who inflict the very real harm, who'd punch someone on the street, shout abuse or refuse to hire someone who identifies as trans are the people you are never going to convince to accept the TWAW/TMAM mantras. >
I've worked in social attitude campaigns and research. I know the likes of Stonewall must be getting this advice. I also know they're likely to be trying to shift those people in the middle, the "don't knows". But they're not the ones doing the real violence and harm. >
The best way to prevent violence against people who id as trans is to normalise gender non conformity. Not preaching mantras or making inane statements that go against reality which a majority of people are never going to accept. It's both unnecessary and totally wrong footed. >
It's just another example of upholding ideology over the material reality of violent gender policing and also the wants of the privileged for whom validation is more important than not having the shit kicked out of them. >
No one who actually gives a shit about people, whether they id as trans or not, would make TWAW the hill they die on. It's performative counter productive bollocks.
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