Police kill approximately 1,000 civilians a year and about ~35 of them are killed by suspects every year.

That is to say, police are presently 28x more dangerous to the public than vice versa.

Given that police choose this, and we don’t choosed to be policed, that seems off https://twitter.com/jbouie/status/1321113155297300480
El Salvador is the country with the world’s highest homicide rate. A rate so high that people are fleeing and seeking asylum by the tens of thousands.

American police have a per capita homicide rate approximately twice as high as El Salvador’s.
Police kill people at a higher per-capital rate than are murdered in any city in America.

If New York City had a per-capita homicide rate as high as the rate at which police kill civilians, it would have over 10,000 homicides per year.

In 2019, New York had 318 homicides
Even the cities with some of the highest homicide rates in the country, like Baltimore, which Trump & co love to use as a racist dogwhistle—their per-capita homicide rates are less than half that of American police.
American police are more dangerous, per person, than any city in America, any demographic group.

American police kill at a literally unparalleled rate. They are singularly violent.

We’ve put cities under police dictatorships for less. We incarcerate millions for less.
As a simple fact, not an opinion, cops in America are the most lethal group of people we have.

Police terrorize communities for rates of violence a *fraction* as severe as the people policing them! And where the people are collectively punished, cops are collectively rewarded
Consider this—I’m actually understating the severity. Because I’m looking at the entire population of law enforcement to determine per-capita rates of homicide, not just frontline officers. FBI agents behind desks, detectives, etc.
What this means is that frontline cops are actually even more bloodthirsty than what I’ve laid out in this thread. How much is hard to say—we don’t even have precise counts of how many people they kill, because they don’t bother to track that and no one forces them to
We have to rely on independent journalists who are certainly undercounting the number of individuals killed by police each year. And I’m over-counting the population of cops that make up the denominator, by including all the desk jockeys
The truth is that American police are among the most deadly organizations on the planet, rivaling the gangs and cartels and mobs they supposedly protect us from—almost certainly exceeding them, in many cases.
About one out of every 800 cops kills someone *each year*.

That’s a staggering number. It makes you wonder what the lifetime homicide rate is for all cops who have finished their careers. What proportion of cops have killed at some point in their lives? Surely more than 1 in 800
We don’t have the answer to that question. The average cop serves something like 25-26 years before retiring.

If they were all equally likely to kill in any given year, and each killed only once in their careers, that would would amount to 1 out of every 32 cops. But...
That’s obviously unrealistic for a number of reasons. Some kill multiple times, obviously, and not all of them are equally likely to be in a position to shoot someone at every stage of their career.

So, the answer is somewhere between 1 in 32 and 1 in 800
What’s the answer? Who knows! Because we don’t even track this shit LET ALONE hold them accountable for their staggering, unparalleled bloodlust.
But it’s not implausible to imagine that something like 1 in 200 or even 1 in 100 cops have killed someone over the course of their careers. Imagine if one out of every hundred people you knew was a murderer
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