Look, I'm actually cool with white supremacists trying to reform themselves. It's the way they do it and the way other white people respond that bother me.

People who want to stop being Nazis (and just.... white people in general) drastically underestimate just how much...
they need to change and part of that is that other white people frequently have extremely low expectations for these people.

It is not enough to just not be a full blown Nazi. Idc if you leave the KKK cause not being in the KKK is the bare minimum.
I also need these people to just not have a platform for a long time. You are not a safe person to have that amount of responsibility if you just left the KKK a month ago. You have a long way to go before you should be engaging with any vulnerable people at all.
These people have years of work to do, as all white people do. It's not enough to simply not hate Black people. Why do we think these people should be speaking out on political issues at all if they haven't done the work to earn that trust back?
White leftists really think a white person deciding to not say the n word anymore is the best thing since sliced bread and will literally never challenge that person to go any further.
Reforming racists shouldn't even be your first priority in the first place, but if that's going to be a part of your activism at all (and it should only be geared towards people who already want to change anyways, most won't), you need to commit to *actual reformation*.
Do not let these people half ass anti-racist work. Do not let them think that work should be comfortable. Do not refrain from criticizing when they harm people because "well, they're doing their best to change". Do not give them passes.
I think many of us are forgiving people (not that we have to be, at all), but you have to do the work. No excuses.
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