But it's a lot worse precisely because the NDP alienates and even beats up on its voting base. And this paralyzes and divides the unions and their memberships - the only organized force in society capable of blunting or stopping a counter-attack from a new right-wing government.
For 30 years, the right has capitalized on popular discontent and confusion sewed by the NDP's conduct: Harris, Campbell, McNeil, Kenney declare war on unions. Others like Wall, Pallister, Moe avoid big set-piece battles but still deliver death by a thousand cuts.
The consequence has been a fundamental transformation of the NDP from top to bottom. Labour's NDP allegiances have fragmented and narrowed, resulting in a demotion of its power in the party. Once-strong allegiances from LGBTQ+ and environmental forces have been broken.
Unelected consultants, inherited safe seats, and an entrenched caucus call the shots without any democratic accountability. Conventions and nominations are anti-democratic gong shows. The vast majority of riding associations have no political life outside of elections.
This trajectory and transformation is made possible by Canada's working-class movements suffering catastrophic and historic defeats in the 1990s and 2000s - defeats inflicted by the business class, the right-wing, and the NDP itself.

Who doubts the pattern will hold with Horgan?
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