A few points about why I think voting for Trump isn't necessarily a horrible idea.

1) Radicalization by Trump is already priced in. Certainly there will be many among the Woke and some among the Wokish who get more radicalized, but that's already done and is reversing.
There are a lot of people who previously thought that the Woke had a good explanation for how Trump got elected who are starting to realize that the Woke are just insane and see everything that way. The narrative that people vote for him because they're racist and sexist is dying
2. If (and yes, if) radicalization by Trump is already mostly priced in, a new vector of radicalization exists in the problem of a truly moderate Democrat who won't do what they want. The Woke and proto-Woke turned on Obama for this quite viciously in 2012-13, in fact.
At the time, the proto-Woke turned toward Bernie and very much against establishment Democrats. Most of those people have since radicalized and turned Woke, unless redpilled. This will make it difficult for Biden to govern as a moderate and possibly a new site of radicalization.
3. Wokeness is at its zenith at the same time as a very desperate need to purge our government and maybe our country of Trump and Trumpism. That is, the radicals will be extremely emboldened at the same time as a powerful desire to undo everything to do with him is at its peak.
If you think of Critical Theories (Wokeness) as a kind of solvent, and you think of their targets as the underpinnings of society, this will result in pouring a massive amount of solvent on the foundations of society in a kind of anti-Trump fervor.
It is possible that this will occur again, and worse in 2024, or that a proper right-wing populist authoritarian will step up in that election and win under similar circumstances, but it seems foolish to assume it will definitely get worse and to empower Wokeness now.
4. Trump did not create Wokeness, though Trump Derangement has been one of its most effective recruitment tools. Theory very neatly forwarded itself as the best explanation for Trump's election, support, and behavior, but it could only do this by being influential already.
The Critical Theories that we're dealing with under Wokeness all evolved and matured at least 30 years ago, and they were already on a frightening upswing from within Obama's first term. Occupy Wall Street was a proto-Woke movement, for example, that used intersectionality.
If this is true, it's possible to see the acceleration of Wokeness since Trump's campaign/election in 2015/2016 as a combination of media-fed derangement, some plausibility to an already widespread theory, and an overreaction to being properly opposed for the first time ever.
The Woke aren't used to being opposed. You can tell this because they have no expertise in arguing their case, just insults and name-calling. Consistently being challenged forces people to develop sophisticated arguments. Wokeness spreads as quietly as it can.
5. Biden's policies and views are nearly irrelevant unless they include, like Trump's, a intentioned willingness and commitment to pushing Critical Theories out of our federal apparatus, etc. Wokeness installs itself administratively under permissive executives.
Biden could be the most moderate Democrat ever, even genuinely "Republican" by Eisenhower standards or further right, and it wouldn't matter a bit if he's not committed to keeping Critical Theories out of our government apparatuses (and schools). Trump is, at least somewhat.
When I say that I'd agree about voting for Biden IF THINGS WERE NORMAL, this is what I mean. If things were normal, the American hegemony wouldn't be cracked, and a moderate Democrat wouldn't greenlight it or even cave to it.
Another really big point!

6. The media hold Trump accountable for things that aren't even real, if that's what "accountability" means now. They also misrepresent things. They fail to hold Biden accountable for things that are real and censor people trying to bring it to light.
A free republic has a free press specifically to hold power to account. I think the media has, in fact, treated Trump very unfairly now (took some convincing on this one...), but even so, it was still holding him to account. I see little reason to believe it will do so with Biden
An unaccountable executive that the media plays for is the opposite of acceptable in a free republic. The media might resume its normal role (when was that last critical enough?) with a Biden election, but NOTHING this summer offers me any confidence of this belief.
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