okay so, i’m abt to write something very serious and none of this has been taken lightly or is being done for clout. trigger warning are being placed in the next tweet so please read them before continuing reading.
suicide mention, mention of grooming and predator behavior.
the subject of jake (i dont have his un anymore due to the fact that i unfollowed him a while back) grooming and having predator behavior toward BAC which was a groupchat we were all apart of that is a majority minor females at the time, has come up in conversation.
during these conversations, several minors in the gc have come forward and stated and shared screenshots of jake manipulating them to let him join a recent rpg that we were all apart of as a ‘secret identity’ due to the fact that me and another member who he was close with —
— have cut ties with him. he used manipulative language which me and another non-minor had stated was not okay, and shouldn’t have been okay got an adult male to use on a minor female. or any minor in general.

this was brought to everyone’s attention in the gc that it wasnt —
— the first time jake had messaged the minors in a way that he shouldn’t be.

he would spam a certain minor with tweets, messages saying how much he loved them, send them gifts, etc. —
— this is a direct quote from the person mentioned above:

“forced me into a ship where my character was cheated via sex and then he just slut shamed me the entire time until he started a SL where they get back together i was so uncomfortable and then he kept making references —
— “that our characters were having sex so i never even used gabi for that entire rpg”

^ the same minor who mentioned this was also in a previous abusive relationship IRL, and would constantly mention in our gc how she felt triggered by abusive relationships. knowing this, jake —
— would constantly mention the fact that him and this minor were ‘nate and maddy’, an extremely abusive couple from euphoria that should not be worshipped, yet again compared to a minor and an adult.

there were several instances where jake would talk in the BAC gc about how he was feeling sad and would just leave the gc. he wouldn’t answer to anyone else but a certain minor (the one stated above). —
— there was an instance where he got on his private, tweeted about how he would be better off dead, then continued to black out his entire account. i called him six times, called other members of the gc to see if he was okay, and finally he only answered to the minor stated —
— above. he never messaged me back, or called me back. i found out he hadn’t killed himself through the only minor he would talk to. he also consistently called this minor 24/7, spammed the minor, etc. his entire friend group was a group full of minor females.
there were also several instances were he would make comments regarding sexuality that were problematic. he invalidated he/him lesbians and would get angry at the gc for not backing him up when people were attacking him. he also would talk over nonbinary people when discussing —
— how gender bending is ‘okay’. now, being trans he can be apart of the conversation, BUT, he would talk OVER the nonbinaries when nb people told him it erased nb identity. and consistently he would write characters that would only poor shamed, and would make jokes —
— about writers who came forward and said they felt uncomfortable with it.

leading with that, he also started drama in the marvel fandom between our gc and another gc over an SL and solos when it wasn’t his place. a person in our gc specifically stated how it made her —
— feel really uncomfortable and how she was having a panic attack due to the fact that she didn’t want jake to start drama over the issue, but he ignored it and started it anyway : which began to create our group with a bad rep.
there was several issues as wel where he would message several different members of the group or writing community to get them to hate other members in our group. he tried to get a non-minor writer to hate a minor that is now currently in our gc. —
— several minors who are now close to me have stated that jake would dm them or text them and try and get them to hate me as well : and they apologized for messaging him about me. this is another example of how he manipulated several minors in our group. —
— another issue with him messaging the minors is the fact that his username is very sexual, and one shouldnt be messaging minors with anything sexual. we HAVE to keep a safe place for minors, and manipulating them while dming them w a sexual username is not how we can do it.
the last thing i’ll mention is how he would make racially insensitive jokes to me and another POC in our group. he would make ‘plague blanket’ jokes to me (im native american and that was a way that the white people would mass murder them), and also make jokes about how another —
— member of our group was the ‘dog’ of our group due to the fact that she is vietnamese. the jokes were insensitive, but while being put in the awkward situation, we didnt know how to speak up and say it was wrong.
this isn’t an impulse decision to make this thread. rather we have discussed for a week now the issues that have popped up with jake and the things he did in our group. we agreed holding this information back wasn’t the best idea for the community as a whole and i hope you all –
– can agree.

the minors names will not be revealed unless they come forward, same as screenshots due to the fact it is sensitive information and they don’t feel comfortable sharing. everything that has been said in ss have been forgiven between the members as well, thank u.
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