The @Ire_LGBAlliance launched yesterday and immediately the gender extremists lost their marbles and subjected them to xenophobic and horrendous abuse. I've put some together in a couple of collages (1)
What they r convinced of is that another British colonisation has begun.This is so ludicrous its hardly worth replying to but I will. Irish feminists make no bones about r apologies for the fact that the very bold,very noisy, principled+strong women of the UK have inspired us (2)
But to suggest that Irish women can't think for themselves by cloaking it in anti British sentiment is nothing short of repugnant and insulting to women. You won't be surprised to know that most of the hysteria today was caused by men (3)
Gender ideology is not a localised problem. It is a global issue that is impacting on women's rights, safety and dignity. Children are being actively indoctrinated into a harmful ideology with lifelong consequences for them both physically and mentally (4)
The only import in this whole debate is the ideology of gender woo which has come from America. Gender identity extremists need to wake up to the fact that they have pushed women and the gay community beyond the point of no return with their absolute Mick taking (5)
The anti British sentiment expressed viscerally today by the extremists puts them firm in the gamma o doherty camp. That's not a good place to be. There is no going back and there is no stopping us now that we have the bit firmly between our teeth (6)
I apologise to all my UK followers for this nonsense. Our history on these two islands is long,complicated and tragic but we are in a much better place today. It's going to stay that way. (7)
So, the message to the gender extremists is this. We are here. We're Irish. We have global support. We are WOMEN. We are not going away. Get used to it.
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