“Do not forget that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States.”

- Alvin Owlsey, national commander of the American Legion
Alvin Owlsey was the fourth commander of the American Legion and this was only one of the many pro-Fascist and pro-Nazi statements.

After he was replaced as American Legion commander, Owlsey worked as a diplomat for FDR but quit to campaign for Wendell Wilkie in 1940.
In 1934, under National Commander Edward A. Hayes, the American Legion took the nest step along their pro-fascist road. They actively participated in the Business Coup of 1934, which aimed to make Prescott Bush or Henry Ford an American Hitler. https://www.counterpunch.org/2011/12/02/wall-streets-failed-1934-coup/
"Whereas fascism is generally understood to be a movement that mobilizes sectors of civil society through propaganda campaigns, financial backing and state empowerment, authoritarianism is often defined as relying primarily on the police and military to control the population."
"These are somewhat porous categories, however, since fascism’s vigilantes are sometimes simply off duty employees of the repressive state apparatus, and authoritarianism has often deputized vigilantes and integrated them into the state."

- @GabrielRockhill
So how does this fit together?

Liberalism and fascism are hand in hand, together, making sure that capitalism works properly. If we don't accept the liberal carrot, the boss and the landlord whack us with the fascism stick until we behave.

Fascism isn't coming. It's here.
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