when i think about the upcoming months i can’t help but wonder if my family is going to be safe. it’s already been a stressor in the past but now it gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. there are so many ppl who call themselves allies who wouldn’t even stand up for me in 1/?
various places i’ve worked, how can i expect them to be on the front lines when things get dangerous? i’ve seen “allies” mock black ppl and then get defensive when i call them out. i’ve heard “friends” use hurtful language and when called out on it...? yep, defensive again. 2/?
when i bring these seemingly “small” things to attention, it sounds like i’m being sensitive or making everything about race, but i am tired of being gaslit. i’m also tired of ppl not knowing what micro aggressions are. that shit is exhausting to deal with day in and day out 3/?
white ppl do not have a clue what it’s like being hated SOLEY ON THE BASIS OF MY SKIN THAT I CANNOT CHANGE. white ppl will never understand that so please stop comparing the black struggle to literally anything else. it is unique and wonderful but also traumatic and heavy. 4/?
the reason i even started this thread is to say things are about to get worse for a lot of us no matter how this election goes. in a country where i am hated by those in power, i cannot rely on those in power to save me. i need real allies 5/5
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