I did a tweet about trans people and abortion access yesterday that got too big, and what I have learned from the trolls is that many people, uh, do not understand gender, sexual orientation, sex, or biology on a basic level. Are the cis ok.
To review:

Many trans people can get pregnant. Anyone who can get pregnant should have access to reproductive healthcare.

it’s not a separate issue from cis women wanting reproductive justice. It’s the same issue.
When I say “include trans people in your reproductive justice movements,” I don’t mean “ignore cis women and focus on trans issues.”

I mean, like, say “people” instead of “women” when you’re talking about who needs access to reproductive healthcare. That’s the whole thing lol.
We could talk about how trans people are systematically gatekept from reproductive healthcare because doctors don’t know about trans people and don’t understand why someone with facial hair would need a Pap smear, or whatever, but I’m not even asking you to care about that rn 🙃
Anyway I’m gonna be mostly offline today so just text me if a bigot is about to murder me or whatever, ty have a good one, xoxo.
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