79% of people selected the incorrect answer.

At a rate of 62% in THIS bracket, someone making $420K would only pay 12.4K in taxes on THAT taxable income.

Politicians use this misunderstanding of how the tax code works in order to steer voters in a direction using scare tactics https://twitter.com/tisciflix/status/1318368332421111811
Educate yourself.

Stop letting politicians scare you away from progressive tax rates on the rich.

The impoverished often sympathize with the wealthy because they feel like one day it could be them in the 1%ers’ shoes, getting taxed to hell.

Understand that this is not true.
It is safe to say that almost every single person reading this tweet will never make it to the top 10% of wealth in America (I have a very small Twitter audience).

Don’t cap for them bruh
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