Carbon n tax is a scam.

Thread. /1
Cost represents resource consumption as cost effectively boils down to man-hours consumed in production.

Therefore, all else being equal, if one thing costs more than another thing (both provide the same utility) then the higher cost thing is WORSE for the environment. /2
In other words, the more you spend the more you consume. /3
If policy makers truly cared about the environment then the goal would be to promote saving money and reducing spending. Yet what do they do? They spend like drunken sailors. /4
The carbon tax is a scam because while it sounds warm and fuzzy all it actually achieves is it reallocates the spending from you and I and puts it in the hands of policy makers. The carbon tax does not reduce net spending, if anything it increases it! /5
Granted they say they use the proceeds of a carbon tax to boost "environmentally friendly" projects but the fact is much of the capital is siphoned off by beaurocracy or corruption. /6
And even the money that does end up subsidizing "green" technologies, it almost never ends up creating scalable technology and thus it is wasted. /7
We simply do not need government to innovate, all we need is people with opportunity and the means. The carbon tax is counterproductive because it strips people of their means. When you tax people they have less time to tinker as they must work more to make up for the tax. /8
So what's the solution to reduce GHG emissions and become better custodians of our habitat?

A) Less taxes
B) Less money printing (see seigniorage)
C) Sound money that rewards saving

Bitcoin is sound money and it rewards saving. It also uses waste energy and makes resource production more efficient, just look at what we do @upstreamdatainc.

#bitcoin will make humanity better custodians. /Fin
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