There's the saying:

Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are.

This statement is absolutely true.

Here's a rundown of the type of friends that should be avoided.

/*A thread*/
1. Energy vampires

You don't want to be around people who drain your energy,

So- called friends that knowingly dump their problems in you,

Those who consistently exhaust your reserve energy,

Stay away from them.
2. Those who constantly take without giving.

Stay away from people who make it their life's mission to take from you at every turn,

Folks who never reciprocate in any way.

Those who don't see the error in always taking from you.
3. The individualist

These are the friends that makes everything revolves around them,

They're the star of the entire world,

They never want to hear your problems but they bore you with theirs.
4. The drama fellows

They always choose drama and are always stirring controversies,

They're always petty and turn small things into a big deals,

They can literally give you a heart attack.
5. The Man child

They simply refuse to grow up,

They don't know how to handle their emotions,

Always passive aggressive,

Can't deal with life issues,

Their attitude shouldn't be tolerated.
6. The Flakers

These one's are always on the run,

They make commitments and never follow through,

They can't manage time,

They never get anything done.
7. The one's that Guilt trips you.

You don't want to be friends with these set of people,

Their expectations revolves around them, their phase of life and their wants.

Their innately selfish and this translates to everything that they do,

Stay away from them 💯
Kindly Rt if you found any value.
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