How many doctors visits, total, did the average 30 year old have so far in their lifetime in: 1900, 1950, 1970, 2019?

We have too much healthcare, not too little. The US people's high(est) use of healthcare is obviously symptomatic of other things.
It's still shocking to me that we have a surgeon general who was willing to go on Twitter to say something like "Masks don't work" but won't say something actually helpful about health. Even just "Try cutting out all sugar for a month and see how you feel" would be an improvement
"Healthcare" in the USA has truly, deeply insane levels of not being oriented around solving health problems.

Incredible that politicians and greedy docs/pharmas have used Mind Magic to make people think healthcare = health, and that it's the entry point for the health problem.
It already is. It was approaching "crisis" levels in 2000. It's gotten way worse and we've just given up on it. It kills far more people than any virus and no one cares.
It's not just "heart disease" either. Obesity is a comorbidity for almost everything.

> Cancers Associated with Overweight and Obesity Make up 40 percent of Cancers Diagnosed in the United States
> More than 630,000 in the U.S. affected
We need fewer doctors, and less "healthcare", and actual health guidelines.

This has not resulted in more health:
What we need most is a learned un-helplessness. You have immense power over your own health, almost more than anything else in your life.

People will gladly experiment with drugs, but not with steak and eggs. That's deeply strange to me. Just baffling.
✅ Hormonal pills for everything from ovulation to acne
✅ Watered down meth to concentrate better
✅ "it's just a plant bro"

❌"Try eating animal products, the highest quality ones you can afford, for most of your calories."

"ohhh but isn't there like.. cholesterol?"
Yeah. Healthcare, especially pills, are an easy sell not bc they are long term solutions but bc they are responsibility laundering. People would rather be drugged to buy cover for their inner ego than experiment with changing their life.
"But I've tried everything!", says the person who's idea of eating meat is eating fried breaded bread with condiment levels of meat on top.

Unless you're the wim hof reading this I promise you have not tried everything.
For docs it must be heartbreaking to truly want to help sick people who come in who refuse to try and change anything about their lives.

(From what I've seen of the opioid epidemic, I worry that a lot of them no longer care, as long as the check clears.)
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