How can anyone look at the greedy, power-mad, emotionally unstable, petulant Democrats and think life would get better in any way by giving them authority? A party given to tantrums and violent thuggery will not suddenly mature and grow respectful of dissent if given power.
The arrogance and privilege of Dems like Nancy "Secret Salon" Pelosi shows you how little they think of their own followers, never mind the opposing voters they viscerally hate. And it shows you they have no intention of living in the hell they create for YOU.
There is no reason not to believe Democrats when they promise to make war against the Constitution, against the Supreme Court, against capitalism and the middle class, against everyone who doesn't obey their commands. They've proven they mean it.
Conservatives used to bandy about pearls of wisdom like "the power to tax is the power to destroy" and wonder why Dems couldn't grasp such an obvious truth. Well, they DO grasp it - and they approve. They KNOW power means destruction and compulsion. They revel in it.
Many of them tell themselves, or at least tell their voters, that destruction is a necessary part of their righteous jihad to create socialist heaven on earth. The old, corrupt order must be swept away. The enemies of progress must be punished for resisting.
The Left convinced its followers that the nation around them is a vast sea of "injustice" that must be brought to heel and corrected through punitive action, including street violence as needed. Academic courts found America guilty, guilty, guilty. We're in the sentencing phase.
Everything Democrats say and do illustrates that worldview. Even the supposed "moderates" can't get through a speech without fingering class and racial enemies and demanding punishment in the name of "social justice." Why does anyone doubt they intend to carry out those threats?
The Left's vision is inherently compulsive and vengeful. They know power means destruction, and they fully intend to destroy. It's easy to prod them into spitting out lists of targets. Their vision requires obedience, and they are ready and EAGER to punish disobedience.
This vision is baked into everything Democrats plan to do to America. There isn't a single item on their wish list that doesn't end with punitive force being deployed against those who resist. That's why they're so eager for everyone to admit they're "guilty" of something.
Have you noticed what an absolute mania that has become among Democrats? They're running Maoist struggle sessions at government offices and corporations now. They're utterly mad for forcing white middle-class Americans to indict themselves for social "crimes."
You can scarcely turn on the TV without getting hammered with that message from every quarter of pop culture: confess your guilt, embrace your punishment, admit your history is pure evil, accept a future of punitive "corrections" for generations of inherited guilt.
The Left is doing all of that for a very good reason: they need a certain number of people to voluntarily stick their heads in nooses, or at least break their spirits enough so they don't fight back at the ballot box, while they still have the option of doing so.
It's also why the Left is hell-bent on destroying the police and wiping out the 2nd Amendment. Both will make the middle class feel helpless and demoralized - deserving of no protection from the State and forbidden to defend themselves. I.e. you'll feel like prisoners.
For all the years of caterwauling about Orange Hitler, there is none of that in Trump's approach or agenda. He picks endless fights with his adversaries on Twitter, but he never tries to silence them. He doesn't use government power to punish huge groups of innocent citizens.
There's nothing in his first-term record or second-term agenda about hammering square citizens into round holes with hammers of regulation and tax increases. He doesn't revel in the use of power to destroy, as Democrats do. He isn't obsessed with social engineering.
Trump plays hardball with foreign powers in pursuit of American interests, and he can be criticized for overdoing it, for trying some gambits that didn't work as planned - but it's remarkable how different his attitude on domestic policy is.
Trump is the exact opposite of Democrats, who want to humble America before foreign powers and international institutions, even those clearly hollowed out and subverted by hostile powers - but look at huge swathes of the American public as enemies to be subdued by force.
That's the conflict of visions we really have on the ballot in 2020. It's the direct line that runs from Antifa and BLM street violence to Biden's promise to destroy American industries, crush economic freedom with Green New Deal garbage, and force us into nationalized programs.
If there's one thing the past four years have proven beyond all doubt, it's that Trump isn't big on demanding "obedience" or punishing anyone except lawbreakers, and disobeying him is easy. Heck, it's fun. You become an instant celebrity and you can make tons of money doing it.
You will NOT be allowed to disobey the forces behind Joe Biden if he gets into power. You will be hunted in the name of "social justice," punished, and if necessary attacked by the Left's street armies and online mobs. You'll be cursed as selfish, racist, an Enemy of the People.
You will be forced to care. You will be made to obey. You will be judged guilty and urged to confess, but either way you will be punished. And come 2024, I guarantee you will discover you're allowed to vote on fewer matters of importance than voters of 2020 were. /end
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