Good morning to all the hardworking Black people whose momma taught them to work twice as hard, yet they can't attain what they've EARNED because White women and men like Amy Comey Barrett are GIVEN positions/power just BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE and will sustain White

Supremacy. We all have worked with a White person and wondered how they got that position. Trumps, Mitch McConnells, Lisa Murkowskis, Lindsey Grahams help them.

The GOP just gave us a Master Class in gatekeepers of White Supremacy.

Never forget it. Be thankful for it.
Save this blip in time for your Black children and grandchildren. Teach them how White America works.

This happens in America everyday, with any employer, in any human resource office where White people get to make decisions on our employment ops and our upward mobility.
We often work twice as hard, are more than qualified and are still overlooked, underpaid, and undervalued because of the color of our skin/race.

White people transfer power and privilege to each other laterally, no matter how big or small the opportunity or power may be.
From the opportunity to buy a home in certain communities, loans, your kid getting that starting spot on the team, book deals, promotions at work and in the military, teaching gigs, or whatever...

White people look out for White people, even when they don't deserve/earn it.
It's why we can't get ahead.
It's why we have low wealth.
It's why we can't get better jobs.
It's why we can't achieve equality.

It's hard to quantify the value of theft due to unearned and undeserved White power.

THIS is a perfect example of why ADOS/FBA deserve #Reparations
America keeps its foot on our necks and its hand in our pockets.

Black people will never be able to compete in this system and that's how it's intended.

With ACB getting onto the SC, Republicans made it easier for Whites to discriminate and strip rights legally.
Your Black kids, grandkids, and great grandchildren won't have the opportunities you had because White Supremacists stacked the courts with White Supremacists.

That's how White gates get kept.
That's why must fight every generation for freedom. This is why we are exhausted.
And White Democrats in power won't do anything but try to take the high road. Watch!

Being a Black person in America is being exhausted from fighting to live and to not die.

Have a good day Black people, as best you can anyway, in these here racist divide states of #Amerikka.
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