I saw ppl mad at Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the HOUSE, last night for not “doing more” to stop the confirmation and I had to log off and go to sleep. Profoundly ignorant of govt and politics but got all the answers on the bird. You a radical but don’t read. Ok.
If your inclination was to trash Dems, who had no power to stop this nomination, for not “doing more” to stop something that they absolutely could not fucking stop you are a fool.

That goes double if the Dem you were trashing don’t even work in the fucking Senate.
Senate Dems could not stop this nomination. Every single Democratic Senator from the most progressive to the moderates you hate so much came out in opposition to this. Every single one of them voted AGAINST her confirmation. No defections. The Dem caucus held.
This is entirely on Mitch McConnell and the GOP. He orchestrated a naked, blatantly political power grab right in our fucking faces. IN THIRTY EIGHT DAYS after RBG’s death, ACB was nominated, got hearings, moved out of committee, a floor vote for confirmation and SWORN IN.
All of this while ppl are dying and millions are pushed into poverty and Mitch said fuck ALL that, got his judge through and then he ADJOURNED the chamber? FOR NEARLY TWO WEEKS???

But it’s the DEMS you’re mad at?
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