"Based Muslim SS Division" (13th SS Division)

On the night of 16/17 September 1943, while Division was training in Villefranche-de-Rouergue in France, a group of the Muslims staged a mutiny within the Pioneer battalion.

The mutineers captured most of the German personnel and executed 5 German officers, including battalion commander SS-ObersturmbannfĂĽhrer Oskar Kirchbaum.

The mutineers tried to join the French resistance fighters of the area.

The German response happened quickly. SS troops went house to house, killing and capturing the rebels. 30-40 were killed during the action and their bodies were dragged to the streets for identification. Over a 100 were shortly executed.

The mutineers burned the records of the battallion so that their families would not face reprisals.

Few managed to join the French resistance fighters and some were hidden by French civilians. One of them was decorated by France after the war.

After the event the SS purged the unit, sending over 800 Bosnian Muslims to the Org Todt labour service.

The Division would spend it's career in anti-partisan operations in the Balkans, earning a reputation for brutality especially towards civilians.

In late 1944 many of the Non-Germans of the unit began deserting. The unit surrendered to the Western Allies in May 1945.

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