For years we've talked about parity of esteem between mental & physical health. It feels like we are now at crossroads. Covid has brought this out more.

Between MH sector and acute sector (age old)

Between common mild/moderate MH problems and severe MH problems
We should now ALSO be talking about equality of regard between inpatient services and community-based services.

Operational pressures have led to blinkered thinking + oversimplified assumptions about sticking plaster 'solutions' that don't work. System balance is so critical.
I don't work on the frontline but I have visited many different services across the country over years. I speak to clinicians, other staff, patients + patient groups.

We need to call out equality of regard AND investment between inpt & community. Think about who is at the table
We have neglected CMHTs for far too long. Local decisions to disinvest have followed. This is no longer viable or acceptable.

To shift this community MH leadership needs to be given rightful place in strategic decision-making, not treated as an afterthought or of lesser status
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