"I wasn't originally this far right-wing but you [doing something benign like changing your pronouns to they/them] forced me to turn into this"

Is another example of right-wing projecting. Because in reality the horrific shit the right demands actually CAN push people left.
Wanting really basic, technically-left-of-center but ultimately not huge asks is not enough to magically make who was left of center suddenly right of center. You were already on the right, you just got pissed off enough to stop hiding it, and you think you have a good scapegoat.
But being right of center and seeing people you love (or even yourself after coming out as queer) losing their rights or otherwise subjected by other people right of center?

That can absolutely radicalize a formerly "normal" person into a leftist. I'd argue it SHOULD.
And much like most things that happen on the left, right-wingers will never fully understand this. If one of them reads this thread they'll just think "No way you were ever right-wing if you're a leftist now. Doesn't work that way."

They're blind to the gravity of their cruelty.
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