@LindaBauld reminded me yesterday about this article by Fiona + others looking at who would/not give #CPR & why. sadly I found myself doing this recently - whys & wherefores not relevant but a stranger needed help & professionals were not going to arrive any time soon.
The others on the scene said they didn’t know #cpr. Immediately I thought shit I am not sure I do either. But the thing that kept me on track and went round and round my head before the emergency services started talking to us over the phone was this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=O92KL1mw77c
Sadly the individual didn’t survive. Their family will be heartbroken. I feel a #grief in my core for this person that can’t be explained. I can’t imagine the guilt I would feel if I & other bystanders had done nothing. I still worry that I didn’t do it right or made it worse.
I know deep down I did neither of those things but I really wish the outcome had been different. I know if it had been me, I would want a stranger to try to save me. If you find yourself in this situation, try. You can do it.
If you’ve not been trained, then think about training now. I was trained as a girl guide (a very very long time ago!). I’m going to get a refresher training session now. Again, no #resuscitation breaths needed so don’t let that put you off.
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