What happens when #COVID__19 happens has been written by many and experienced by many. But very few narratives are available on what happens after 17 days when you are free from isolation.

1. People who've recovered from Covid face stigma & discrimination (1/n)
You may actually face more discrimination from more educated folks rather than the less privileged like your house help or your driver.

2. Some people keep getting mild fever or feverish feel for many weeks. Thermometer will show normal temperature. Frustrating! (2/n)
3. Everyone will ask you if you have Negative on repeat test; repeat test is not needed & even if it's Positive it doesn't mean you are infectious.

4. Covid can present will unpredictable Symptoms. I had blurring of vision, pain in eye & my refractive error increased (3/n)
5. I started gaining weight and had edema even on my face. My blood tests revealed deranged renal function.

6. There is a constant dilemma if you should wear the mask or not. Technically, since you can't give or get Covid, you don't need to (4/n)
But you don't want to look odd or explain 'why' to everyone who will stare at you. Besides there is challan and that deadly air pollution. So keep the mask on.

7. Don't waste time and money on Antibody tests.

8. Get ready to be bugged for Plasma Donation. (5/n)
9. Lastly take care of your mental health which can go for a toss and do not let pessimism or complacency take root.
#LongCovid is a thing, go through it with your head firmly on your shoulders. (6/6)
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