question thread for allistics !!!

(non autistic people this is for u)
pls qrt dont reply :) thx
first of all: did u know that allistic meant not autistic before seeing this thread???
do u know that the term special interest isnt for u to use? its an autistic specific term
do u know what sensory overload is?
how about information overload?
if a loved one were to go into sensory/information overload would u know what to do???
do u engage in conversation the same way as u would another allistic with autistics? like,,, do u let them not make eye contact, fidget, etc bc its just how we are orrrr
do u know what stimming is ??
if not, stimming is self stimulatory behaviour! its where u do something repetitive that soothes ur negative feelings, basically. most people do it to some degree, but its especially important for autistic people so they can regulate their emotions and prevent meltdowns
tw sexual assault , abuse

did u know that autistic people are statistically more likely to be victims of things such as sexual assault and abuse?
please tell me that u know the majority of us prefer to be called 'autistic person' instead of 'person with autism'
do u know why autism speaks is literally fucking despicable? if not, do ur research. do not support them. ever.
this ones moreso for completely neurotypical people: whats it like to not be totally enamoured by what is to us a hyperfixation??? whats it like to not experience executive dysfunction, sensory issues, social inabilities etc ??? LIKE HOW IS THAT IT SOUNDS AMAZING :(
have u ever stood up for an autistic person / the autistic community when someone was being ableist ?
do any of yall actually know what the spectrum part of autism is? bc a lot of yall seem to think its just low & high functioning which are very harmful labels lol
did u know that autism is comorbid with many disorders and mental illnesses, and we're likely to have them tied in with our autism? for example i have anxiety and depression, and my psychiatrist believes that is most likely just because im autistic.
how the hell do u make eye contact w people (especially ppl ure not close with) and not want to VOMIT wtf
yall actually know how to socialise? yall understand sarcasm? yall can function in conversation??? i thought it was a joke.....
are u aware that in many places an autism diagnosis can cost over 1k, and thats why so many of us self diagnose? self diagnosis is valid. so long as ur doing extensive research and talking to other autistics where possible :]
oooh did u know that autistic people are more likely to be lgbt? thats so wicked
thats all ive got for now but ill add anything layer if i think of something
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