Baik korg dengar metal 👍🏼 bnyk berkaitan dgn isu-isu semasa seperti politik, peperangan dan mental health. Vocals mungkin mencurigakan sebab vocals jenis scream tetapi kaji la liriknya sebelum terus judge.
Aku pernah post lagu ni di IG story aku dulu and ada orang reply "lagu sembah Setan" padahal lagu tentang isu politik di America. Asal dngr lagu riff berat je astu dngr vocals scream terus cop label "lagu sembah Setan" 🥴🖕🏽
Pretty straightforward lyrics. At first listen mcm tngh "sembah Setan" en? Well, no.
Here's a political protest song
Here's from a local band called Daarchlea. They insert Islamic contexts into their lyrics. Ini memang kalau tak study lyric auto cop label lagu "sembah Setan"
Another one from Daarchlea. Lagu tentang ketibaan Dajjal.

"And there will be war against The False Messiah
Yes, there will be war
His Kingdom will fall, We'll be victorious
For those who've been deceived, for those who disbelief, Kaf Fa Ro shall perish"
Ada banyak lagi lagu-lagu metal kat luar sana, both locally and internationally yang discuss about serious issues. Foolish of you to immediately label them as "lagu sembah Setan" when you yourself is listening to songs on the radio that have sexually explicit lyrics.
Honestly, this is a personal attack to an old friend who labelled me as a Satanist for listening to metal.

Fuck you 🥴🖕🏽
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