I had a thread, my app crashed, and I lost it. Here’s a summary...I saw a tweet from someone with a votive candle lit to RBG, and saying that we should donate to @PPact in honor of ACB.
Secularism is a religion and abortion is their sacrament. When God is removed from society, there’s a void in the human heart, as we were made for worship. Abortion, as Dr. Peter Kreeft points out, is the demonic mockery of the Eucharist.
It takes the sacred words, “This is my Body,” and twists them in a diabolical distortion. I pray that Roe is overturned and that abortion is ended. I pray that someday they are relegated to the same ash heap of human history as slavery and segregation, Dred Scott and Plessy.
But that’s just the start. Don’t forget that fundamentally, this is a spiritual battle, not political. And spiritual battles are won by prayer and fasting. Hearts are won not by arguments but by virtue. (E.g. by supporting the woman in a crisis pregnancy.)
We are fighting against principalities and powers here folks. The weapons in our arsenal aren’t the POTUS, SCOTUS, and Congress. They’re our rosary beads, our own discipline in mortification, and the sacramental life of grace.
Never forget...Satan is more terrified by a baptized soul in grace than you are of him. Be in grace. Stay in grace. Be men and women of virtue. This is how we win.
One last thought...think of Moses' words to Israel, “The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord Himself will fight for you. You have only to be still.”
You can follow @FrPBehm.
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