tw #fatphobia

wow so because a lot of ppl seem to be missing the point here - the whole reason me & others are upset about the marapets "obese fairy" is not because she's fat it's her description and the "FAT PPL LUV FOOD!!!" trope shit that's really harmful

the design itself is cute!!!! i agree!!!! there isn't really an issue there it's just her backstory that really doesn't need to be a thing? and i personally think that if she was a fairy of something other than food that would be awesome and mean a lot!!!

but of course marapets makes the other elemental, etc themed fairies the thin and conventionally attractive ones and the food and trash fairies fat. because all fat ppl do is eat and all they are is lazy/gross/dirty/sloppy, right??? *sarcasm*

it isn't ok! as a fat person i am constantly made to feel like ppl only ever see my body as a joke/punchline or a fetish or gross and i'm so tired!!! fat people deserve better!!! and to just be like "well if you dont wanna be offended dont play" really sucks!
as for everything else outlined in this thread, i KNOW some of the racist costumes have been changed but a lot of the racist, classist, and ableist content still exists in the game and it's important to know the history and how it's an ongoing issue!
based on how marapets staff, esp ian, has responded to all of this, they really don't seem to care or have learned anything at all from any backlash they've gotten in the past so i don't care about bringing up stuff from the past since they still seem to stand by a lot of it!
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