What will we do if they choose to make the election of Joe Biden illegitimate, refuse to count late ballots or commit any further undo electioneering? This needs to be THE conversation. Please RT.
We saw how marches went in 2016 after an illegitimate election. We’re sitting here four years later.
We saw how voting went. We’re sitting here four years later. Do we go another four? And another four after that?
I’m willing to accept this election as the last time voting is the righteous decision. But I am asking you - what do we do after that?
Here’s what we do:

1) tax strike, from federal to municipal. Live in the bluest of the blue? Too bad, pound sand SF - your elected officials didn’t do enough to ward this off. Don’t like it Corpus Christi? You brought this on yourself.
2) Mass general strike. This is all predicated on capitalism anyway - so stick a branch in the spokes and pummel the old white jag offs perpetuating this hell world & hit em where it hurts. Why do you think they don’t like lockdowns?
3) Develop a web of local resistance. Part of the reason the United States is such a challenging place to exist as a citizen has to do with its size - huge spaces make for challenging resistance.
4) support national resistance movements no matter how you personally feel about them. Resistance is all that matters - who gives a shit about the means.
5) worst comes to worst - learn to fight. Human beings have done it for millennia in the face of disparity and this country was founded on it.
“Moving out of the country” is a selfish decision that doesn’t fix anything. This country can be good, but requires the difficult work of citizenry to be good.
“Let’s table this conversation until after the election.” Cool are you also a person who waits to buy health insurance until after a diagnosis?
If you’re opposed to any of this, what’s your idea? Sit around and take it? Why then are you doing anything? Why not just sit around and watch A-Team reruns and eat morphine? Because deep down you agree - progress and peace is the reason for living.
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