The Election is OVER!!! (Thread)

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*My data is from @TargetSmart, and it tracks ballots returned by party affiliation. I also assume Unaffiliated are split 50/50
In GA, GOP are @ 52.6% (with 65% in), Dems would need 57.5% of the remaining votes to win.

It is looking more and more like many states that the Democrats claim are in play are being settled a week before the election.

The D's are STILL saying those races are competitive
I have shown you 2 examples, and I am going to investigate others tomorrow. These are Red states that we know are Red, but the media are massively deceiving us. I saw a TX poll yesterday that had Biden +3 (even though it's mathematically impossible!!!!)

This is propaganda...
I will also add that JB is going to TX, WI, GA and 'home' to PA...Why the hell would he go to TX & GA a week out? (We know TX is IMPOSSIBLE), but polls show it's tight, and JB is still going - despite the fact his camp KNOWS WHAT I KNOW.

Why not go to MI, AZ, FL, NC, IA, NH, NV
We know TX & GA polls are way off. And I am confident the polls are way off in all the swing states also. So Biden needs to fight for them all - yet he goes to TX and GA????

I know precisely why this is happening...and you are also catching on.😉
1. The Democrats fully understand what is happening. Many in the media do also.

2. The Democrats have to focus on Down Ballot races, because as these state contests end early, and people across the country begin to realize what we now realize - NOBODY IS GOING TO VOTE!!!
3. If Dems are protecting House/Senate they go where the races are, and they go where they need help (Red States). But they can't admit Biden's defeat, because it would demoralize the voters. Obviously GOP would go harder than ever to JUBILANTLY win as much as possible...
4. The media keep peddling crazy polls that are as much as 10% off in many cases. What does this accomplish? It attempts to demoralize the GOP, but unfortunately it negatively impacts Dem turnout - because there is no urgency. Low propensity voters won't be motivated.
5. Are the media actually helping Trump by doing this...well actually YES. You see, the media knows what I know, the campaigns know what I know. If they wanted to hurt Trump, shouldn't they then try to drive votes - by massively narrowing the polls?
6. They are not doing 5, so I guess they are helping Trump...

Helping him, but to the world you appear to be destroying him. The thing is the media narrative stays negative, but they don't make the polls. The fake pollsters do. Meaning TV Hosts will hate...
They will also peddle fake polls that are handed to them...They are useful idiots. But the Execs who presumably work with these pollsters have to be coordinating the fake polls. Because how could any reputable pollster get this so wrong, unless they had an agenda?
7. I don't think they coordinated to help Trump, I think they had a plan - and thought it would work. They thought they could demoralize DT voters.

They didn't realize they would get massacred so hard. But the polling strategy was already out the barn door.
8. So now the Democrats know they have lost a SCOTUS seat, they NOW know they have lost the presidency...The whole world is about to know it in 2-3 days -they are so panicked, they don't know what to do. Likely why Joe calls so many lids. They are developing a plan for Congress.
It looks like the Democrats didn't think through their VBM plan too well. They didn't realize that if you know the results too early - it crushes the entire election. And when you have 20-30% more voting than historical data can even strategize against - you are LOST.
Everyone was panicking that the election would drag on, that it would be litigated, that it would not be settled for months. That Trump wouldn't leave office. All the while, GOP Strategists(Likely Jared), figured out what we are now seeing.
So now Trump will secure an uncontestable election win BEFORE Election Day. (I mean you can never be 100% SURE!).

How can the media spin THAT? Everyone will know - they can't scream on election night about surprise or last minute GOP cheating...Because it will be EXPECTED.
That is how you secure a peaceful transition of power, and also Front-Run their planned Nov 4th Mayhem...

Trump wanted VBM the whole time, and the Democrats took to the trap without thinking. And as usual took the counter position. (Obama was the one who floated VBM in Apr)
Trump will keep campaigning hard because he wants EVERY LAST VOTER POSSIBLE TO VOTE.


He wants the Popular Vote, and believes he can get the Majority also. Thus the irrefutable Moral Authority.

🚨Trump >70MM Votes & EC 304-335🚨
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