In honor of Indiana’s ✨interesting✨ choices for their Salute to Service unis...

Here’s my favorite B1G unis (one per team)

{a thread}
Indiana, stick with these CLEAN unis 🥵
Maryland, these throwbacks were a much nicer look than the usual crowded-flag uniforms 👀
Michigan; stay classic 😎
Michigan State, STAY OFF THE LIME!!!
Ohio State, your classic look is fresh... but the blackouts - good lord they’re nice!
Penn State, again... the B1G is classic and I absolutely LOVE it!!!
Rutgers, I see you 👀
(I’ll add the West to the thread later)
Illinois, your new unis have a juicier orange... but I prefer the Juice era road unis 👀
Iowa has nice blackouts... but they’re classic look is SO damn good!
Minnesota’s gold chrome helmets are one of the best things to arrive with PJ Fleck.
Nebraska’s yet another classic look that, although they’ve only been a B1G school for 6 years, epitomizes the historic element that runs deep in the B1G.
Northwestern has an awfully hard color scheme (black and purple) to utilize... so less is better.
Purdue brought the heat with these unis last year... will they do another space uni? 👀
Wisconsin’s uniforms, like the team itself, are historically good but never the best.
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