why lgbts “assuming” an idol’s sexuality isn’t gonna harm anyone: a thread
this is debunking this thread and how wrong this thread is in many ways https://twitter.com/lushlixx/status/1320818800065957891
from the first part of the thread:

no, it’s not because we want them to be the same sexuality as us its because we find comfort in the@m and you as part of lgbt should know how it’s hard to find comfort and acceptance to your own sexuality
number 2:

this is simple, everyday people think “straight” is the default sexuality and everyday lgbts gets labeled as straight and saying we should not label an idols sexuality is just saying they are straight
number 3:

this does not even make sense to what you said in the 2nd tweet just like you said only them can decide their sexuality but how can a person on stan twt saying “[x idol] is gay” can possibly confuse them and mislabel them?
pls correct me if i’m wrong i can have some points that maybe incorrect or does not make sense but please tell me!
number 4:

at this point you think we are using them like puppets that we mold around the way we want them to be and that’s a NO finding comfort in projecting our sexualities to artist was never controlling them to do anything
and at the end of the day chuu still is a lesbian and jungkook still is a non binary . End of thread
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