The hanged man card has been symbolizing a connection that has been in suspension for quite some time. I’m seeing the hand from the ace of pentacles
Coming to cut the hanged man from his uncomfortable inverted position. This symbolizes that now after a period of separation the Divine has now moved to bring the two back into one.
If you have been in separation from your divine counterpart, your reunion is inching very close. I’m seeing the hanged man getting up from the ground to brush himself off to walk forward into the fool card, new beginnings
I’m seeing this coming through as a miracle and a beautiful divine push. Changes happenings overnight with new revelations breath life into a new connection that was stagnant. It will feel brand new and not what you’re used to from this particular connection
I’m seeing a runner is tired of holding back their emotions and playing coy with you. They’re ready to commit to you and offer a deep and profound cup of love. This connection has a serious Phoenix energy
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