
I am a middle-aged white male corporate lawyer and there is essentially no difference, to the Kavanaugh set, between me and Joe Dirt.
*That* doesn’t bother me, but it is a bit frustrating to see discussion of the privilege of people like me - real as it is - derail the conversation on a regular basis. Let alone Joe Dirt's privilege.
Put it to you like this. Every Midwestern farm town, no matter how podunk, has The Rich Family. They have a son. Let’s call him Teddy. (I am subtweeting, but not who you think I am subtweeting.)
Teddy is the captain of one or more sports teams, has a new car (or truck) he got for his 16th birthday, and is allowed to snap bras in the hall with impunity. He’s not the only boy who gets girls drunk and posts cell phone pictures of them naked, but he’s one if the ringleaders.
When you tell rural white men that they have Privilege, you are telling them that they are just like Teddy when they know damn well they aren’t and never were, and it only makes them angry. Stop worrying about them. Worry about Teddy. They don't run the world, fucking Teddy does.
Teddy's grandpa is the county board president, Teddy's dad owns the Deere dealership, and his uncle is the president of the bank, and what runs that county is not White Male Privilege, it’s Teddy's Family Privilege (well, often there are a few Teddy's Families who work together.)
I swear to God, as I get older it’s like my class consciousness is aging backwards, because I get so irritated at all the nitwits who want there to be a Grand Enemy Conspiracy when it’s a Conspiracy of Fucking Teddy's Family and those fighting for their scraps.
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