This nomination took only 27 days. On average, nominations take more than TWICE as long as that.
Republicans have lost 6 of the last 7 popular votes, but have appointed 6 of the last 9 justices.
Republicans have picked 15 of the last 19 SCOTUS judges despite winning the national popular vote once in the last 30 years.
GOP in 2016: 300 days before election is too close to the election

GOP in 2020: 1 week before the election when millions of votes have been cast already: it's never too late.
Reminder: Impeached President Trump, (who had 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton) picked 3 Supreme Court justices in his 4 years. President Obama who easily won both elections and had 8 years, had just 2 Supreme Court Justices appointed.
Just remember on election day they prioritized this over getting a stimulus package to the millions of people sliding into poverty, in case you're wondering where each party stands on human quality of life
Never forget that Senate Republicans said no to even holding hearings for Merrick Garland ~250 days before an election, but rushed the Amy Coney Barrett nomination through the entire process less than a month before the election.
Cruz was running to be the Republican presidential nominee and released a statement, saying, "I proudly stand with my Republican colleagues in our shared belief -- our advice and consent -- that we should not vote on any nominee until the next president is sworn into office."
10 months before the presidential election, saying the next president should make the appointment.
The Supreme Court will decide if New York prosecutor will get access to Trump's financial documents from January 2011 to August 2019, including his tax returns. GLAD WE GOT BARRETT IN
Roe V. Wade. The justices will consider Friday whether or not to hear a case that could directly challenge the precedent.
Everyone stay safe.
Amy Coney Barrett Is the Least Experienced Supreme Court Nominee in 30 years.
Barrett has never tried a case to verdict or argued an appeal in any court, nor has she ever performed any notable pro bono work, even during law school.
During her confirmation hearing last week, when pressed on her failure to turn over additional relevant documents to the committee, including an anti-abortion newspaper ad she’d signed in 2006.
Barrett responded that she had submitted 30 years’ worth of material to the committee, and that she had simply missed the 15-year-old ad. “I produced 1,800 pages of material,”
Chief Justice John Roberts rustled up 75,000 pages of records for his 2005 confirmation hearing—just from his time serving in Republican administrations.
The Senate reviewed about 170,000 pages of records before confirming Justice Elena Kagan and 180,000 for Justice Neil Gorsuch.
The Senate Judiciary Committee waded through more than 1 million records during Justice Brett Kavanaugh 2018 confirmation fight, including a supplemental submission of 42,000 the night before his hearing started.
How did a professor from Yale with such a shallow reservoir of experience manage to climb to the top of the list of potential Republican Supreme Court nominees?
I also want to point out that, Amy Coney Barrett was a trustee at a Christian school from 2015 to 2017 that would not hire gay teachers or accept students with gay parents. This surfaced after her confirmation hearings.
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