The phrase “virtue signalling” should be reserved for actors like the State of Victoria going heavy on symbolic acts like acknowledgements and expensive ad campaigns while they continue the work of colonialism by destroying irreplaceable cultural heritage
You’re 100% there for the big symbolism that plays well to inner city progressive whites, but when the chips are down you wouldn’t even divert a road, despite years of campaigning from TOs you’re supposed to be in Treaty negotiations with.
All this to avoid diverting a road. What value do you put on culture when you do this. You paid billions to a multinational to avoid running a freeway through some Collingwood terrace houses. But you’re happy to sign off on this completely senseless and wanton vandalism. Shame
It’s achingly clear that this is about what culture you value above all else, and what culture you have to weigh up against other concerns, and find it wanting. Colonialism never ended, it just hired a better PR firm
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