Maaaaaan. Stop giving your fucking money to the DNC. Buy a goddamned gun or some dried goods. Build some raised beds and start a garden. Invest in your community.

Stop giving your fucking money away to people that aren't doing shit to protect you. Christ almighty.
Let's talk about raised beds.
There are many ways to make raised beds. The best way (IMO) is to buy a shitload of concrete blocks. This pile of blocks was around $70. Our compost wasn't ready, so we spent another $25 on dirt to fill the bed. The rest of the blocks went to a stand for rain barrels.
Step 1: Leveling the ground. This probably isn't completely necessary, especially if your ground is already mostly flat. Do it anyway. It's exercise.
Step 2: Keep leveling as you place blocks. Tamp the ground as you go to compress the dirt.
Step 3: Stack your blocks in a pleasing manner.
Step 4: Fill it full of dirt and plants. That's it. The end.

You can fill the holes in the blocks with dirt and grow herbs. You can put posts in the holes and surround it with chicken wire or garden netting. The world is now your oyster.
Build a rain barrel system. These food grade 55 gallon barrels were $10 a piece from a guy who acquires and resells stuff (if you don't know a guy like this, you need to). The spigot and connector were around $30.
Step 1: Level and fill.
Step 2: Raise to the desired height (you need enough space to attach a hose).
Step 3: Put them suckers up and attach to your downspout (there are kits for this). Don't worry, they won't go anywhere. 110 gallons of water is heavy.

Free water for your garden!
Next time, let's talk about chickens!
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