Anyway I hope y'all will consider harnessing a little bit of your disgust and donate to an abortion fund tonight, especially one that supports women who require abortions after ~21 weeks. There are only a few aging doctors left in this country capable of performing
Those essentially and legal procedures. Do so in the name of Dr. George Tiller, a family friend and advocate for pregnant people whose motto was simply "trust women and who was assassinated in 2009 by a religious extremist, leaving only 3 doctors left in the country to continue
His vital work. If you donate to an abortion fund tonight in Dr. Tiller's memory, I will match those donations up to $1,000.
Donating funds to an abortion clinic is a direct way you can help pregnant people exercise their reproductive rights immediately.
Also I urge you to take a few minutes tonight to educate yourself about the reality of 3rd trimester abortions versus the myths. Nearly all third trimester abortions are necessitated by serious health risks to the mother or genetic conditions affecting the fetus that are
Incompatible with life, and nearly all are wanted pregnancies.
To donate directly to Dr. Tiller's clinic in Colorado, which continues his legacy today, you can mail a check to: Mail a check to P.O. Box 3222, Wichita KS, 67201 or donate via credit card here:
This is the way I personally choose to contribute every year on the anniversary of Dr. Tiller's death as well as whenever I have the means, but as I said, if you show me a donation tonight to the abortion fund of your choice, I will match those donations up to $1,000.
This thread has 9 million typos in it and ideally I'd fix it and repost but I'm tired and grossed out and I think all the vital info is there and mostly coherent, so. Please consider a donation.
I should add that I didn't know Dr. Tiller well personally, having only met him a few times via my mother when I was young, but he left a huge impression, and so did the brief, terrifying experience my family went through during my mom's earlier years as an ob gyn in
A conservative city in a red state who was willing and able to perform first and second trimester D&Cs, which are far simpler and more common than the 3rd trimester D&Es that Dr. Tiller was trained to perform and that are so reliably and widely demonized for political purposes.
Despite all that, many of my early memories of my mom also contain police officers, private security, a Kevlar vest, and a lot of fear.
She ultimately only offered those services for a couple of years until she was driven out after extremist protestors sent graphic, specific threats to my school hours away despite not sharing a surname with her and her taking every precaution she could.
So I'm also donating and encouraging you to donate with those comparatively minor but still very frightening early experiences that I'll never be able to forget in mind.
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