The Tea Party got their #SCOTUS, let's see what happens when she starts to vote against their interests. Remember, she thinks In-Vitro fertilization = manslaughter. I know a bunch of pro-lifers who would never have an abortion, but got their kids through IVF. 1/
Equating IVF to abortion has always been my pro choice argument. To have one of their own who could rule on a landmark case, well that's another turn they probably didn't anticipate. Amy Barrett is more extreme than the Pope. 2/
It's incredibly hypocritical for someone to be pro-life while they dismantle the ACA which provides life saving insurance for actual live people. Let's call the anti-abortion movement what it really is, #ProBirth. They don't care much about the LIFE of the child or mother. 3/
The responsibility for unwanted pregnancies lies with men, not women. Republicans enabled religious employers to choose not to provide prescription coverage to women employees for medically acceptable birth control. Men can buy condoms without issue. 4/
The conservative Pro-Life movement seems to be some of the same group people who refuse to wear masks in public because it violates their free will for their body. #MyBodyMyChoice #GetOutOfMyUterus 5/
And while it's great she adopted 2 kids from Haiti, we have a foster care system overflowing with kids in need of homes. Where are the pro-lifers when real kids, who are already born need them? Giving states the power to limit abortions will only make the foster care explode. 6/
Foster kids are real, live kids, who have already suffered trauma in their young lives. Why are there so many languishing in the system if we are a proud Christian nation built on biblical values? Where are all the good people when they are needed to step up for others? #WWJD 7/
Those who support Trump for his pro-life actions, the hypocrisy is immense. He stole children from their parents to send a message, 545 still not reunited. Many raped and beaten by guardians chosen by the govt. Several have died in cages. Fuck the pro-lifers, they're liars! 8/end
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