This site really changes a mf. I finally finished coming down from a seven-day Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening Event which seems to have in part been caused by making too many Twitter takes. It turns out if you use social media in a certain way, it can be a Yogic practice.
This isn't a meme or a joke, it really happened. It was very similar to being on LSD (same body high) except I hadn't taken anything, and all the spiraling epiphanies about myself, the psyche, God, the universe, etc., seem to be logical, coherent, and non-hallucinatory even now.
Another name for this appears to be "stream entry". It seems to have been an archetypal religious experience of the variety that William James wrote about. Theres online communities where people talk about it.
Sudden awareness of the oneness of everything, the universal love, the eternal feminine, etc., only for me I'm a bit of a more analytical so I was deconstructing it as it was happening and it presented more as a series of philosophical insights than a dalliance with cosmic forces
I was sleeping about two hours a night, unable to stop pacing, seeing grand patterns in everything, spiraling to one revelation after another, resolving psychological baggage I'd carried with me nearly my whole life, moving unconsciously as if my actions were being "guided", etc
At one point I got freaked out and thought it was just a manic episode, but the doctors I talked to said I seemed way too lucid to be manic, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. So, who knows, it's just some mysterious mystical thing I guess. Weirdest shit in my life
I could go into what happened in endless depth but I don't think people actually enjoy this "Hey guys, I reached enlightenment, AMA" type content. The only reason I really post this is to say that, it kind of changed me and forced me to re-evaluate basically my entire life
So I may or may not seem like I'm on some different type of shit from now on, and if I do, well now you know why. Lol
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