Democrats have to stop pretending we are in a fair fight. We aren’t. Republicans fight dirty.

They lie. They have no conviction. They just want to win, that’s it. They’ve proven they don’t care how low in the gutter they have to go, they’ll stoop.

So, fight back.
We need to be as unapologetic as they are.

When Republicans are in power, they are uncompromising. They say, deal with it.

Black and brown people are the base of the Democratic Party. We don’t want spineless compromising leaders.

We want fighters. Joyful warriors!
Yes we want you to expand the court.

If you’re the only person playing by the rules in a game, some would call you a fool.

I am some.

You are a fool if you continue to play by rules they won’t even honor.

These senate races are important. #TakeBackTheSenate
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