I donated my kidney 4 years ago to my mom's cousin. When we had our surgeries, they got in there and said they didn't realize how bad she needed it. My kidney saved her. She's back to life. And forever thankful. Before you donate, you go through some serious testing. *thread*
In addition to testing to see if your kidney is healthy and if your other kidney is healthy enough to carry you through life, they also do some extensive social work. Lots of discussions about your mental health, knowing all the financial pieces in the process.
And in that social work, they explain that *if* things change in the White House, in politics and in law...me donating a kidney could mean I have a pre-existing condition.
I donated a kidney. And saved a life.
And I might have to pay out the butt for making that decision.
So, in addition to being a womanx the news of #AmyConeyBarrett terrifies me.
Please note, I do not regret donating mily kidney. Next to marrying my husband, it was the best decision I ever made.
But so many donors are needed, this isn't going to help entice anyone.
*end thread*
P. S. I should also note I know this is a zillion times worse for individuals who have diabetes, cancer, survived COVID, have MS, etc etc. But this is my story. A small sliver of Americans who could be/will be effected.
P.P.S I see typos and it's killing me. I hate that you cannot edit tweets still 🤦🏽‍♀️
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