Three fucking seats. Stolen.
Elections have consequences. And while there are people in this country who want what the havoc this court can wreak on social progress, there are millions of "protest" and abstained voters from 16' whose lives will be drastically impacted by this.
The people who got us here should be held accountable. I don't have a problem placing blame squarely where it belongs. On the shoulders of the people who put all the vulnerable and at risk citizens of this country at the mercy of a severely unqualified unethical racist.
We've been naming them for four years. They know who they are. 53% of them definitely know who they are. The people whose lives go mostly unaffected by experimenting with the rest of ours. Fuck those people. My kids will have to live in this world you've selfishly created.
It's infuriating to know that we've gotten to this point, held over a barrel by power hungry immoral republicans and quite frankly I'm very over "going high". It's time fucking win. It's time to actually fight for the things we want and believe in.
We watched numerous republicans go back on their word and not live up to their own rules around putting judges on the court and we can't stand by and do nothing. This is an affront to democracy. This is an assault on our values and our lives.
I don't care if it's stacking the court or ending lifetime appointments but we better do something. We can't continue to get steam rolled. After all, what good is winning the moral high ground when you're playing against people who see no value in morals?
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