Barack Obama, genius and statesman thinker, lost a supermajority in two years. Donald Trump, the only man in history to lose money running a casino, confirmed three SCOTUS judges. Stay losing, @DNC.
. @SpeakerPelosi you are a billion years old and have accomplished absolutely nothing in the past decade. Take your $150 million and useless posturing and fuck off. Tired of paying Dems to lose.
It’s actually criminal that @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer achieved nothing under Obama, because supposedly they’re on our side. Are you trying to tell me Donald Trump is somehow a more compelling leader to the GOP than Obama to the Dems?
. @DNC just tanked SCOTUS for the next 25-50 years, and for what? What exactly do they fight for? When have they actually tried to act like better things ARE possible?!
I have been registered fucking Democrat since I was 18. I just turned 30. I voted for Obama twice, I voted for HRC in 2016. I bought Obama’s lies, I admit it. Fucking tired of waking up wondering what fresh version of hell Dems will compromise to.
Obama was my “for one brief and shining moment.” And he lied to my fucking face and I bought it. I will never get over that betrayal. He set us up for a day like today. He is a multimillionaire and doesn’t care about anyone but himself and his rich friends.
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