The city pisses me off but they are aiming to bring free wifi to our struggling neighborhoods ❤️
Now here’s hoping they decide to continue it after the pandemic ends 👀 FTW could be one of the leading cities to transition into making Internet a public good. God that would be amazing
Very curious as to what will happen with the free/discounted wifi that is being offered now once the pandemic ends. Typically once you start providing a service to people, it’s very hard to take it away.
Don’t quote me on this, but I believe that is how we got SS and Medicare. There’s a popular sentiment that neither, especially SS, was supposed to continue on and were supposed to be services used to help us get out of the Great Depression. That’s it.
Now it’s deemed extremely unpopular to talk about cutting SS, & Medicare has expanded to a M4All movement 👀
We’ve been saying for years that the internet needs to be a utility, not a luxury, to help make it more affordable & easier to access. This pandemic might fast track this
Of course, this also bears on what the fuck is gonna happen next month...but if the universe is on our side, this pandemic might be a blessing in disguise because now we can finally have the conversations about M4All, internet as a utility, affordable college, and remote working.
(This thread also might prove a point as to why we only had one stimulus check, and that they refuse to do much else for unemployment benefits after that $600 was taken away 👀 they don’t wanna make it another “thing”)
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