"Each of the two sexes is a glorious gift from God. Our sexuality is meant to be offered back to Him either in complementary unity with the opposite sex in the context of marriage for procreation and mutual delight or in celibacy for undivided devotion to Christ."
Group A sounds like a lot more fun to me. I thought I was celibate b/c I divorced my abusive husband & I'm unmarried but actually I'm just more spiritual than sex-enjoying marrieds w/ less devotion to Christ.

Oh, wait! Marital sex is an expression of your devotion to Christ.
What?! đŸ˜Č Definitely feeling like I get the short end of the devotion-displaying stick here!

Love the Lord by required marital sex or love the Lord by required abstinence.

And if your man prefers porn, try harder & remember y'all represent Christ & the Church. Don't ask ???
I'm being snarky but we've been given the most conflicting messages. As if Evangelical teaching on sex & marriage resulted in healthy intimacy of any kind.

Just look at the pastors who teach this stuff while violating their marriages behind their "godly" facades.
Gonna start a virtual Saturday night prayer meeting for all of us singles who prefer prayer over sex every time.

Same ones who grit our teeth through another sermon about the importance of marital intimacy.

Found that "sexless but holy" gem while researching something else.
So why DID I look up Focus on the Family's position on transgenderism?

Let me explain. Back in my FOTF days, it was made clear that just b/c a person identifies differently than their biological gender, it doesn't change the truth.
Male is male, female is female no matter what semantics or arguments are made to the contrary. Words don't change reality.

I was reminded of this yesterday while reviewing Focus on the Family's claims to the IRS that it is indeed a church w/ all the financial benefits involved.
So, I have to ask. Is FOTF a trans entity? Are they a church just b/c they decided to call themselves a church?

Seems like donors would know if they were giving to a ministry or a church, not to mention the employees knowing if they were "ministers."
Seems a church or ministry would be eager for donors to be aware of exactly how their money is being used. But transparency by the church world power brokers has gone the way of the dodo bird.

And yet we keep giving to their carefully crafted appeals. What a racket!
Don't forget Saturday night! An inclusive (nearly liberal?) virtual gathering as you can use anything from a King James Version to The Message.

Join this movement. Bring a friend unless it is the opposite gender. We will show our spiritual devotion & commit to #prayernotsex.
If I don't show, carry on w/o me. I might take a page from FotF & declare myself married. I'd have no choice but to show my devotion to the Lord by holy sexing.

If I say I'm married, I'm married! W/ all the advantages conferred by that classification. Irrefutable logic!
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