Pretty sure these games turned out the way they did because SEGA refused to give Sonic Team the proper time and budget needed to fully realize them

I wish fans wouldn’t hate on Sonic Team so much
I really wish Sonic was treated more like Mario and Zelda, where his mainline games dropped, like, 4 years apart from one another and were treated like huge AAA flagship titles
One of the big reasons I think Sonic should just go back to being 2D is I think the quality and consistency would drastically improve

SEGA seems like they just want to quickly put out Sonic games, without putting a whole bunch of money into them, and I think that suits 2D better
I’m definitely not in the “Sonic never worked in 3D” camp

I just think Sonic will continue to stumble in 3D until SEGA truly commits to giving Sonic Team the time and money they need to successfully pull it off consistently
Seeing some people’s assumptions and conjectures in response to this thread, about who is and isn’t talented at Sonic Team, is an absolute trip
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